Hypnotherapy Specialties

Relieve Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety and stress can impact every aspect of our lives. Hypnotherapy can help reprogram our responses. It is also a relaxing experience in and of itself.

Love Your Body

When we have a negative body image, it can impact our confidence and limit our ability to enjoy life. Karisha will help you overcome this negative self-image, so you can rediscover a more confident and amazing you.

Gain Self-Confidence

Reach your full potential! Some people limit their dreams because they are plagued by self-doubt. Hypnosis is the perfect tool to help quiet the inner voice that is telling you that you can't do it. Often these self-limiting thoughts are placed in our mind by voices of authority during our formative years. Karisha can help you find and erase those limiting thoughts and replace them with thoughts of empowerment and new possibilities.

Overcome Fears & Phobias

Many people experience a fear or phobia that can trigger debilitating anxiety. These unpleasant emotions may keep you from enjoying life, and they can also prevent you from doing everything you desire. Karisha helps you let go of the fears and phobias that have limited your life experiences, so you can live the life you never thought possible.

Improve Sleep - Video

Sleep is the vital time we repair our body and mind to prepare for another day. All of the information that we take in during the day needs to be sorted and processed before we can function properly again - and before we can take in further information. Interrupted sleep patterns can and will impact every part of our lives. Karisha can help you develop practices that will enable better sleep habits, so you can wake up feeling rested, renewed, and full of energy.

Client Feedback:

"I work in the medical field and have a strong belief in hard science and evidence-based medicine, so I was initially very skeptical of hypnotherapy. However, as a result of some health problems I developed severe insomnia, some nights with zero sleep, many nights with one to two hours of sleep. After ten days and nights of almost no sleep I was desperate and in my desperation I decided to try hypnosis even though I didn't really believe in it and had my worries about it. The night after my first session I slept for a few hours in a row, which felt like a miracle. I knew it could just be a coincidence, but as the hypnosis sessions continued I continued to get better at relaxing and falling asleep. There were ups and downs, but overall my sleep has not ever been as bad again as it was those ten days before I started the hypnotherapy sessions. Karisha made recordings that I could listen to during the day, but she also changed the endings so I could listen to them at night in order to fall asleep and stay asleep. She asked insightful questions, listened sympathetically, and used the information we discussed to add personalized reminders and suggestions to my recordings. I have continued to benefit from these recordings even after our regular sessions have ended." -E.M., Chicago, IL.

Banish Negative Thoughts & Emotions

Negative thoughts and feelings can make it impossible to think clearly and find solutions. Anger, fear, guilt, sadness, and shame can make the simplest tasks feel overwhelming. Even when people are determined to "get over it," their subconscious may fight to hold on to their old emotions. Karisha can help you find the source of these old negative emotions so you can release them and find peace.

Gain Relief from Pain

Hypnosis has been clinically proven to be an effective treatment for chronic pain, and it can be a practical alternative to addictive medications. Prior to beginning treatment for pain, Karisha will require a referral from your medical doctor because hypnosis is such a powerful pain management tool, it can mask symptoms that may be caused by a curable medical condition.

Enhance Relationships

Positive relationships are dependent upon continuous effort and maintenance. In the best of times, they can be great; however, when unexpected challenges occur, the situation can feel incredibly stressful and hopeless. Karisha will provide proven approaches to build successful relationships with healthy boundaries. If you haven't yet found a partner and desire to do so, she will help you identify the traits of your ideal partner and provides tips to help you attract this person.

Increase Peacefulness, Calmness, and Relaxation

Are you trying too hard to relax? Hypnosis itself is calming, and Karisha can help you with tools and exercises that interrupt the negative thoughts and feelings that are preventing you from how you wish you could feel instead.

Smoking Cessation

If you are motivated to stop smoking but have been unable to do so, hypnotherapy can help you quit permanently in a very short period of time.

Integrate Life-Altering Experiences

Life-changing events, both desired and not, can be very difficult to adjust to. With hypnotherapy, Karisha can help your subconscious more quickly accept your new reality, leading to much quicker acceptance and, thus, comfort.

Recover from Death or Loss

It is natural to experience a period of mourning when we lose a loved one - or experience any loss. If we become stuck during this process, it turns into a prolonged period of grief that can be difficult to move on from. Karisha will help you find your way through the grieving process and return to a peaceful life of hope and acceptance.

Achieve Self-Actualization

After you have met your basic needs and reached your career and relationship goals, there is sometimes a wondering, "Is this all?" You have fulfilled and continue to fulfill your potential, but you don't feel as though you are flourishing - perhaps you feel like something is missing. It might be time to transcend the boundaries of the traditional, going beyond yourself to see how you connect to something bigger. Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help you explore this.